prof. dr. Frede Hvelplund
Institut for Planlægning
Aalborg University, Denmark
dr. Karl Sperling
Associate professor
Institut for Planlaegning
Aalborg University, Denmark
Karl is Associate Professor at the Sustainable Energy Planning Research Group of Aalborg University. He works with an interdisciplinary approach to sustainable energy planning. The subject of study is energy planning in general and focus is on technical and geographical aspects, such as energy system analysis, and economic and institutional aspects, such as feasibility studies and public regulation seen in the light of technological change.
Søren Djørup, MSc.
PhD researcher
Institut for Planlaegning
Aalborg University, Denmark
Søren Djørup is a PhD fellow at The Department of Development and Planning, Aalborg University, under the supervision of Professor Frede Hvelplund. The focus of his research is on price regulation, tariff models and ownership as elements of strategic energy planning. Søren received his MSc in Economics (Cand.Oecon) from Aalborg University in 2013. In addition, he holds a MA in Political Economy from The University of Manchester, completed in 2012.
Leire Gorroño
Junior researcher
Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable Energy
Leire Gorroño Albizu holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Industrial Organisation (2012), by Mondragon University, Spain, and a Master of Science in Sustainable Energy Planning and Management (2014), by Aalborg University, Denmark. Her field of study is socio-economic aspects of renewable energies, with a special focus on community ownership for local development and local acceptance. She started conducting research on this topic on the second half of the year 2012 and works for an influential Danish GI: the Nordic Folkecenter.