dr. Dick Magnusson
Senior lecturer
Tema Teknik och social förändring (TEMAT)
Linköping University Sweden
Dick’s research lies within several adjacent fields, such as energy systems, infrastructure studies and urban and regional planning, from an interdisciplinary perspective with focus on sustainability. His main interests concern transitions of energy systems and the effect that infrastructure have on this development. Several factors limit the development paths and through inter-disciplinary research, Dick makes them visible. Within the JPI project, Dick focuses on grassroots movements for small-scale energy production in Sweden. These are often run as energy cooperatives and in the project these initiatives are mapped in order to understand development, networks, activities and mobilization.
Linda Lundmark
Research Assistant Tema Teknik och social förändring (TEMAT)
Linköping University Sweden
prof. dr. Jenny Palm
The International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics
Lund University Sweden
Jenny has a background in energy systems research where she conducts interdisciplinary research combining sociotechnical systems theory with analysis of planning process, governance, technology diffusion and end-users. Her objects of study are urban infrastructure such as low carbon electricity systems, district heating, building refurbishment and sustainable everyday life. Making these elements more sustainable is put in a broader socio-cultural, planning and governance context.